Richard Crisp
My research focuses on three key areas: (1) imagined intergroup contact -- a new implementation of intergroup contact theory combining research into the effects of social contact with recent advances in social cognition; (2) the psychology of social and cultural diversity -- how encouraging a focus on multiple identities may reduce prejudice and lead to greater egalitarianism in social attitudes and interactions, as well as improve self-efficacy and the academic performance of members of stigmatized groups; and (3) social identity processes -- exploring the motivations that compel people to resist recategorization and the adoption of a common ingroup identity, as well as the cognitive and affective phenomena associated with identity and stereotype threat.
Primary Interests:
- Aggression, Conflict, Peace
- Group Processes
- Intergroup Relations
- Person Perception
- Prejudice and Stereotyping
- Self and Identity
- Social Cognition
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Video Gallery
Human Conflict Panel: Does Multiculturalism Work?
- Crisp, R. J. (Ed.). (2011). Social psychology: Critical concepts. Hove, E. Sussex: Routledge.
- Crisp, R. J. (Ed.). (2010). The psychology of social and cultural diversity. Oxford: SPSSI-Blackwell.
- Crisp, R. J., Turner, R. N., & Meleady R. (2024). Essential social psychology (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Journal Articles:
- Birtel, M. D., & Crisp, R. J. (2012). “Treating” prejudice: An exposure therapy approach to reducing negative reactions towards stigmatized groups. Psychological Science, 23(11), 1379-1386.
- Crisp, R. J., Birtel, M. D., & Meleady, R. (2011). Mental simulations of social thought and action: Trivial tasks or tools for transforming social policy? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 20, 261-264.
- Crisp, R. J., & Hewstone, M. (2007). Multiple social categorization. In M. P. Zanna (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology (Vol. 39, pp. 163-254). Orlando, FL: Academic Press.
- Crisp, R. J., & Meleady, R. (2012). Adapting to a multicultural future. Science, 336, 853-855.
- Crisp, R. J., & Meleady, R. (2012). On the evolutionary origins of revenge and forgiveness: A converging systems hypothesis. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 5, 19-20.
- Crisp, R. J., & Turner, R. N. (2012). The imagined contact hypothesis. In J. Olson & M. P. Zanna (Eds.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology (Vol. 46, pp. 125-182). Orlando, FL: Academic Press.
- Crisp, R. J., & Turner, R. N. (2011). Cognitive adaptation to the experience of social and cultural diversity. Psychological Bulletin, 137, 242-266.
- Crisp, R. J., & Turner, R. N. (2010). Have confidence in contact. American Psychologist, 65, 133-134.
- Crisp, R. J., & Turner, R. N. (2009). Can imagined interactions produce positive perceptions? Reducing prejudice through simulated social contact. American Psychologist, 64, 231-240.
- Guimond, S., Chatard, A., Martinot, D., Crisp, R. J., & Redersdorff, S. (2006). Social comparison, self-stereotyping, and gender differences in self-construals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 90, 221-242.
- Meleady, R., Hopthrow, T., & Crisp, R. J. (2013). The group discussion effect: Integrative processes and suggestions for implementation. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 17(1), 56-71.
Richard Crisp
Work and Organisational Psychology
Aston Business School
Aston University
Birmingham B4 7ET
United Kingdom